3 Secrets I Use to Learn About the World


How To Feel Smarter…Is that possible? ;)

Britannica is actually my real name. I’m kidding.

In my thirties, I’ve tried much harder to stay informed for one important reason, to be more interesting. I do it for myself (being informed gives you an inherent sense of confidence), and to heighten my social interactions.

Think of it as a sales trick. Learning at least one new topic a week (from a book, podcast, or documentary) opens up your world to more conversation. It never hurts to have an arsenal of soundbites to discuss on dates or impress your boss.

There are three simple ways to do this.

  1. Sign up for the Skimm and wake up to a daily email summary of the most important and current news topics.

  2. While you’re getting ready for work, listen to the The Daily podcast by The New York Times. In 20 minutes, you’ll be updated on the top current events for the week from The Russia Investigation to Why The Trade Wars in China Are Important to the latest on The Really Really Shitty Alabama Court Ruling.

  3. In the Uber, check out Blinkist - a startup that shortens novels into 15-minute reads. They have almost every book you’re curious about (from top sellers like Shoe Dog to any mindfulness or leadership publication). Try out a free book here. #lifehacks

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